The Season of Sneezes – Hayfever remedies…


I t is so frustrating when hayfever strikes and often it will last anywhere from a few weeks to a whole season.  Feeling constantly inflamed in the sensitive tissues on the face or with a nose that seems blocked more often than clear or having itchiness in the ears that cannot be reached for a good scratch becomes very irritating.  I was not able to wear mascara all summer due to my eyes being super sensitive to irritants.  The necessity to rub them frequently meant that I had to make a choice between slow growing panda eyes as the day wore on or just plain red and inflamed ones!

Good news!  Homeopathy can often help to alleviate the symptoms.  In my case the symptoms weren’t just alleviated but after 20 years of hayfever every summer, they were gone!  The following are a few remedies with particular symptoms that are worth a try to see if they alleviate your hayfever symptoms.  Of course, if you don’t have any luck with the most common remedies then it is more likely to be a job for a qualified homeopath who will look a little deeper into the bigger picture of your health to find a more specific remedy for you.

Allium cepa

This remedy is made from red onion and the symptoms mimic the common reaction that occurs while cutting onion.  This remedy has watery eyes and a clear, copious nasal discharge that irritates the upper lip.  There will be sneezing and perhaps a tickling cough.  Symptoms will be worse for being indoors and in a warm room and much better for fresh air.

 Nux vomica

This remedy has a runny nose during the day that becomes more blocked during the evening, especially after lying down in bed.  The throat can feel scraped and the head has a stuffy feeling.  The eyes can feel dry.  There can be a headache and often the person who needs this remedy will feel quite irritable and will reproach others.  I often see this remedy needed in children who tend to get hayfever symptoms followed by an asthma attack.  If this remedy is given at the first sign of hayfever in those children, then it can help to ward off the asthma attack.


This remedy has a keynote of long paroxysms of sneezing and may have severe frontal pains around the nose.  The nose will be itchy with a copious runny discharge.  The throat may feel like it has a lump in it.  The eyelids may feel like they are burning and may become red and watery.  Alongside the hayfever symptoms, there may be some difficulty in concentrating. 


 This remedy has an interesting keynote.  It has intolerable itching of the roof of the mouth which can extend behind the nose, into the throat and even the ears.  The nose can be runny, yet will feel dry in behind it.  The throat will feel dry yet the urge to clear it will be strong and there may be a constant urge to swallow that accompanies this.

There are several other remedies that may be indicated such as Nat mur or Arsenicum which are quite commonly available.  The above remedies tend to be less well known but when they match the symptoms could be just the thing you need to give some relief this hayfever season.

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