Seeking Balance After Using Contraception? Our Homeopaths Top Tips To Regain Your Best Health

Are you seeking balance after contraception? I’m going to give you some tips on how we use homeopathy to regain your best health.Approximately 12 million women in the United States are on the hormonal birth control pill, and women who are on the pill are 23 to 34 percent more likely to experience depression and take antidepressants. Adolescent girls in particular are more likely to experience depression when they take oral contraceptives.1’ve written about Hormones and Emotional Health before here If hormonal imbalance is not addressed by our Healing Haven homeopaths, women can suffer unnecessarily. Medications may prescribed such …

woman with emotional health PMS

Uncover the Link Between Emotional Health and PMS and How Homeopathy Can Help Each Month

Are you aware of the link between emotional health and Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)? This article will help you understand what influences PMS. I will also discuss how we use homeopathy to support balance each month. Research has shown that PMS and emotional dysregulation can be linked. Women who experience PMS have difficulty controlling their emotional state through all stages of the menstrual cycle. Here are the conclusions from two scientific studies that show the connection. “According to our results, women with PMS appear to have a trait-like emotion dysregulation throughout the menstrual cycle.”1 This study from Liu Q et al., …