his is a subject that I hope each and every one of you never has to experience, either personally or through caring for loved ones who have been burnt. However, recently in my clinic I have come across a couple of clients who have been burnt in sudden accidents. Whether it is by fire or boiling water the homeopathic protocol is the same. If you do find yourself in this situation, then I hope that somewhere in the back of your mind you will remember this article and contact a homeopath promptly for more guidance. Homeopathy is very good for …
Calendula – A Salve for Wounds and Trauma
racticing homeopathy means that you never finish learning. One remedy that is used by homeopaths and home prescribers alike is Calendula (Marigold). Homeopathically, it is used to heal grazes and wounds. It comes in the form of a topical tincture, cream or oral doses in the form of pillules or liquid. Always make sure the wound is clean before you give this remedy so the skin does not heal over any dirt. Calendula is a staple in my household. It is invaluable for those really painful little grazes that children are so prone too, such as when they skin their …
Naturopathic & Home First Aid in Fevers
elcome to our first naturopathic blog article on The Healing Haven’s naturopathic blog page!! Our first topic is fevers! Here below are a few home naturopathic tips and herbs that can help support and ease yourself or your child through the often stressful process of a fever.