Sarah Hayes | Master Crystal Healer

Advanced Crystal Practitioner – MCrysH (UK)
Sarah Hayes - Master Crystal Healer

I am passionate about helping people get back to themselves. I firmly believe that through Crystal Healing, Homeopathy and lifestyle choices alongside good nutrition that this can happen.

I have been interested in crystals since I was a toddler. I always had a deep curiosity and love for the mineral kingdom. I was always wondering why we wore jewelry and would be the child searching the beaches to see if I could find "treasure" and would play with mum's jewelry ALL THE TIME!!! I've always had an affinity with crystals.

I qualified as a Crystal Healer in 1998 and have been practicing ever since. I work with crystals across a range of services. I do Body work, Energy Clearings on properties and Businesses. I also provide Land Healing's and Blessings for properties too. Often people will use my services when moving into a new property or trying to sell a property.

I have also developed my very own treatment which I call a Crystal Facial, this is a combination of a crystal healing and a facial. The feedback from my clients is that it is a profound experience unlike any other that leads to shifts in their lives..

My Journey Into Homeopathy

I have always had a love for the healing field and have used Homeopathy with my children and myself for more than three decades.I had chronic contact Dermatitis during my time in the hairdressing industry. Taking Silica cell salts was the beginning of my homeopathic journey. Upon taking these cell salts it cleared up my dermatitis and gave me confidence to leave the hairdressing industry. Homeopathy helped sort out my chronic condition and also moved me towards what it was I truly wanted to do!!I continue to use homeopathy to this day with myself and my children.
My deepest purpose and the thing that gives me the most joyful expression is helping people heal themselves, facilitating their connection back to who they really are.Sarah Hayes

My Past And Future

I am now submerging myself in the healing field even more by joining The Healing Haven Team and looking forward to helping as many people as I can. Feel free to contact me at The Healing Haven if you want to know more about my crystal healing services.

I am at The Healing Haven five days per week at the Auckland clinic. I look forward to connecting with you as I am currently the customer service queen in my role supporting Lee-Anne and Jessie.

I am often the contact person when you order from our dispensary and handling enquiries in general.

I am looking forward to growing with The Healing Haven and helping you all.

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