Happy Woman Learning Homeopathy

Homeopathy Learning Plan – Healing Haven Homeopathic Dispensary

Are you inspired by the help you've had so far from homeopathy and wanting to use it more at home? Keep reading, this is the Ultimate Homeopathy Learning Plan for beginners.  Essential reading if you are wanting to learn to use homeopathy at home.
Homeopathic medicinal products. Commission report to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of Directives 92/73 and 92/74
Once my clients have experienced the benefit of a well- prescribed homeopathic remedy with their health, they often get curious to learn more.  One remedy may have supported many different  systems of the body...more than they expected.  While they are working with me, they learn when it's beneficial to dip in and out of the use of their remedy.  As they grow their library of remedies and use them to maintain balance in their health they want to know what other remedies they can use on a daily basis.

Homeopathy is cost effective and easy to use in the home.  It may ease the reliance on conventional medications that have side effects.  In my house we use no conventional medications and the only time I step into a pharmacy is when I need to buy a hair tie!

When families have begun to use homeopathy when their children are young, the children often learn what remedies they need for various support in different situations.  In fact some of the children in my clinic are quite capable of picking out the remedy they need or suggesting to their mother's what is needed.

It's a wonderful thing, to be empowered with your health!

In fact my clients are often asking me about how they can learn more about using homeopathy in the home.  So I put together this Ultimate Homeopathy Learning Plan For Beginners.  It's a great road map to point you in the right direction and for you to take the next step.

Step 1: Understand the principles of homeopathy.

In our Homie online learning community, everyone loves and goes straight for the video lectures about the individual remedies. However, even if you have found the right remedy, you must first understand how often to give the dose in that particular situation. This means you must understand the body's response to the remedy to know when to repeat the stimulus of the dose.

Understanding the three basic principles of homeopathy is the first step in our Ultimate Homeopathy Learning Plan for Beginners.

  1. Like Supports Like -Finding the remedy that has a symptom picture most similiar to the particular individual symptoms the person is displaying

  2. Minimum Dose - Giving the remedy just often enough only to create a stimulus for the body to react to and to move towards balance.
  3. Hering's Direction of Improvement - The sequence of symptoms that the body shows when it is moving through it's process of improvement. Of course we must also understand the sequence of symptoms when the illness is being suppressed and is deepening. This guides us as to when to change the remedy, increase or decrease the frequency of dose or stop altogether.

Here are three ways you can learn these principles:

  • Homie Prescribing Basics: If you are not ready to join our online community via monthly subscription then we have created a course that teaches you these basic principles. This is a separate course in our online community available to purchase even if you are not a member. Check it out here
  • Attend An In-Person Workshop: We introduce you to the basic principles of homeopathy and run through some of the basic remedies. When you purchase your ticket you get one of our travel kits for free amongst other goodies. Click here for more info
  • Workshop Recording: If you cannot attend in person, then you can access the recording of our workshop as a webinar here.

Step 2: Learn About The Different Remedies And Their Uses

There are thousands of homeopathic remedies but there are only a few polycrests. Polychrest homeopathic remedies have been used over and over ever since homeopathy was developed in the 1700's. They support multiple systems of the body at the same time and therefore can be used as supports during many different health situations.

By learning about the main polycrest remedies, you can begin to build your homeopathic toolkit for your home.

Our recommendation for learning about the different homeopathic remedies in detail and meeting others with the same interest is to join our online learning community. You can choose a monthly or yearly subscription. You will access hundreds of videos on the remedies and how to use them. Sign in here and once you are signed in, click this link to get a 7 day free trial with your membership.

You can go at your own pace and there are plenty of other supportive members to chat to.

Step 3: Create A Homeopathic Kit For Your Home

The next step of our Ultimate Learning Plan for Beginners in Homeopathy after becoming acquainted with a range of the most common and well-used polycrests is to create your homeopathic kit. Having these remedies in the home and using them when needed is the best way to learn about them and see them in action.

If you are a beginner, the best potency to use in the home is 30c. This is quite safe to use at home in acute health situations.

Here are our recommendations to start to get to know your basic polychrests and which ones to have in the home

  1. Dive into our Ebook "Remedy Keynotes: Home Collection" which contains basic keynotes of the 34 remedies that you can start with in your home.
  2. Have one of our travel kits on hand. These are perfect for having at home or slipping into the suitcase/glovebox/nappy bag when you are on the go. They contain sample vials of the top 12 remedies and we have two versions available with basic keynotes. One for young families and one general version for everyone else. Check these out here. (They are the ones you get free at the in-person workshop)
  3. Expand your remedy collection to our 34 Remedy Home Kit. They come with the ebook and give you a large number of remedies to choose from when you need them. If you live in a place that it is hard to get a range of remedies locally, then this is a wonderful group of remedies to have on hand. A great way to begin your homeopathic remedy resource collection!

Step 4: Find Your Tribe To Share Stories and Learn With

Many of my clients can feel a little bit isolated on the homeopathic journey to health and happiness. As they embrace the knowlege and begin to use it in the home, their enthusiasm for this modality is not always shared by their friends and family.

Finding your tribe is the next important phase on your Ultimate Learning Plan For Beginners In Homeopathy. The importance of community is the sharing of knowledge and experiences. In the sharing and discussion, much learning takes place that you couldn't possibly learn at home by yourself.

Discovering support and guidance amongst experienced peers is essential. You will find that you will get the most out of your home kit as you learn from others. Not only that, your enthusiasm will grow and your effectiveness at using the remedies while your health and wellbeing will increase.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of well-meaning ignorant people out there who do not understand the principles of homeopathy properly and try to apply homeopathy with naturopathic or allopathic principles. Ever been in a free homeopathic group and someone has recommended colloidial silver or tea-tree oil? Yeah-nah.

It's important your community that you choose to learn and share together in, has top quality content and is truly focused on understanding and applying homeopathy principles.
Our tribe is behind a paywall.  Because of this we can monitor it properly. Qualified homeopaths moderate and contribute to the conversations. We curate the content to best serve the community at the time. This community was created when the pandemic was raging to ensure that my clients had the best advice available.

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We look forward to seeing you there and getting to know you as you become more confident and experienced using homeopathy to support yourself and your family.

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