Homeopathy for Grief and Emotional Trauma

  nything we have had an attachment to that is no longer in our lives or has sharply changed in form can bring up deep feelings of grief.  This could be the death of a loved one, the loss of a relationship once held dear or even the loss of finances and possession. Think of the child who is keenly feeling the absence of one of their parents after a separation.  Grief can manifest as sadness, irritability, anxiety or disturbed sleep and if we don’t have the opportunity to move through it completely it can stay with us, influencing our …

Fighting the ‘Flu

t’s that time of the year again, when at least one person you know has had the flu! If you are anything like me, having the flu is a big interruption and not welcome in my busy schedule. Not to mention the fact that schools are back and the likelihood of passing the nasty bug is increased by many fold.  Naturopathy can be a great help with flu symptoms. Just this last week, my youngest daughter who is 4 years old started developing symptoms of a runny nose, tiredness, aching, coughing and complaining of a sore tummy, I immediately gave …

Children’s Learning Difficulties and Mineral Remedies

 see so many children in my clinic with learning difficulties that range from concentration problems right through to dyslexia and autism.  What I have noticed in my clinic and with my own daughter, is that a well prescribed remedy will really help to improve the child’s ability with reading or understanding maths.  Suddenly the communication within the brain and nervous system suddenly connects and comprehension, concentration and the ability to express in the written form becomes easier.  This change often has the effect of re-establishing the joy of learning which is so important to foster so that this can stay …

Calendula – A Salve for Wounds and Trauma

racticing homeopathy means that you never finish learning.  One remedy that is used by homeopaths and home prescribers alike is Calendula (Marigold).  Homeopathically, it is used to heal grazes and wounds.  It comes in the form of a topical tincture, cream or oral doses in the form of pillules or liquid.  Always make sure the wound is clean before you give this remedy so the skin does not heal over any dirt.  Calendula is a staple in my household.  It is invaluable for those really painful little grazes that children are so prone too, such as when they skin their …

Homeopathic First Aid Remedies for Home

ow wonderful it is to be able to soothe your family’s sudden acute ailments easily and quickly with a well-stocked homeopathic first aid kit.  Bruises and bumps disappear quickly, sprains become tolerable and flus and fevers are milder and shorter in duration.  It is empowering to be able to help keep your family in good health.  Homeopathic remedies are inexpensive and last for a long time.  It becomes a very economical way of treating family members and you can treat them on the way to the doctor or alongside doctor prescribed medication.


iabetes is a chronic condition in which the body is unable to control blood glucose levels. Diabetes is highly prevalent in New Zealand with 200,000 people diagnosed of it. This disease is of two types: Type 1 – it is caused by insulin deficiency because of the destruction of insulin producing cells. It is less common than type 2 diabetes. Type 2 – it occurs because of higher level of glucose levels in the blood. It is linked with obesity also. In this case, the pancreas are the not able to secrete enough of insulin and they get more sluggish …

Wintertime Colds and Coughs

his week I want to talk about helpful naturopathic and home first aid support for colds and coughs. The change in season is upon us and often the change in season is enough for many sniffles and colds to get the better of us.  The tips below help nurse ourselves and our families through any nasty colds and coughs.

Homeopathy and Fertility – Liz Lalor Fertility Program

ertility.  It can be an emotional word for some.  The total heartache experienced by a couple who cannot conceive or the disappointment each month when current methods don’t succeed.  Perhaps there is a history of miscarriages or even some difficult pathology to deal with such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrom (PCOS) or endometriosis.  Perhaps there has been long usage of the contraceptive pill and now the woman finds that she cannot ovulate but due to work commitments she is towards the later stages of her fertile years.  These are some of the common issues that couples are faced with when trying to …

Similia Similibus Curentur

omeopathy works on a law which is similia similibus curentur and it means like cures like. Dr. Hahnemann worked very hard to find an alternative system of medicine. Before he could reach the law of similars, he experimented with many laws and pathys like isopathy which worked on the principle same cures same and antipathy that worked on the basis that medicine having opposite symptoms to the disease would cure. Finally he declared homeopathy as a system of medicine working on principle like cure like.