iving in a modern ‘civilised’ city in the western world brings it’s own pressures and entrapment. A busy city brings many opportunities into one’s life. There are opportunities for education pathways, a wider experience of culture and many different career choices. The downside of modern life may also mean greater expenses and much pressure to earn enough money to take advantage of all the options for recreation and quality of life that surrounds a family in a vibrant metropolis. Homeopaths can help to alleviate these particular stressors with the Poale Family of remedies. This family is better known as the …
The Hidden Obstacles to Cure that are Bacterial Imbalances in the Body
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Dr Bracho On Using Homeopathic Nosodes Instead Of Traditional Vaccines For Leptospirosis
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My Thoughts On The Current Political Comments About Homeopathy and Ebola
[vc_row][vc_column]Go Steffan Browning, Green MP! Thank you so much for your statement letting the New Zealand public know that homeopathy has worked for your child. Now that the conversation is opened, this is the time for more people who have experienced and benefitted from the positive effects, even curative effects of homeopathy to come forward and state clearly that it has worked for them. This is really important, now more than ever. First let me give you some background as to how the petition came to be and what the motivations are of homeopaths wanting to treat Ebola. To understand …
5 Reasons to Get your HP Travel Kit Before You Go…
Passports – check. Tickets – check. Clean undies – check. But have you got your travel prophylaxis kit yet? urray! You’re off on a big adventure – new cultures, new food, new experiences – what could be more exciting! Hopefully you’ve taken precautions such as travel insurance, mosquito repellant and your lonely planet guide to help you get around. But what about your health?
Homeopathy for Head Lice + Natural Oil Recipe
hen my daughter, at age 4, came home with a head full of lice from kindergarten, I was horrified! We had been so lucky since we had managed to escape any infestations before then, even when all the other children in her class had been through countless rounds of recurrent infestations. I will tell you how we treated them, since she did not get anymore lice until recently at 9 years old. That was incredible to me since lice frequently makes the rounds in her classroom. The treatment was a two pronged approach. The Homeopathic Approach Homeopathy can be fantastic for both acute …