Three Reasons Homeopaths Need To Be Curious During Your Consultation

Passionately curious is how you should experience your homeopath during your consultation. Homeopaths need to get inside your shoes. They need to find out how the world impacts you and your response to it. Not only that, they must find out what is unique and different about that to another person the same age and gender. They way they do that is to carefully understand your symptoms and how they are presenting.

Little girl looking at splinter in finger

Homeopathy Care After A Splinter In The Finger

I pulled out the long splinter that embedded itself in my finger. It looked like I got the whole thing out, but I wasn’t sure.   I had been stacking our firewood for the season and not using gloves. This piece of wood had gone into my index finger just over 1/2 centimetre.   Anything to do with fingers can be painful. It’s a nerve rich area and the first remedy I thought of was Hypericum. Hypericum is the “Arnica of the Nerves”. To ease the pain and support the immume system so the finger would not get infected, I …

Bell’s Palsy: Five Powerful Reasons To Use Homeopathy To Support Your Nervous System

I have been using homeopathy in my clinic to support clients through Bell’s Palsy for year’s now. When Bell’s Palsy strikes it can be devastating and my clients are wanting help to speed recovery.   Bell’s Palsy presents as one sided facial paralysis or muscle weakness. The VII cranial nerve is not functioning properly. This can strike suddenly or the progression of onset can come on slowly over 48 hours.   This may be painful but many of the cases in my clinic are pain free. Symptoms may range from difficulty in closing the eyelid, to the drooping of one …

Positive Scientific Study Shows Homeopathic Drosera Actually Effects Gene Expression

I love the scientific research emerging that supports the action of homeopathic remedies. Recently a wonderful piece of research was published on the remedy Drosera. How Homeopaths Use Drosera Homeopaths use Drosera to support the healthy functioning of the respiratory system. The respiratory system responds to this remedy when it’s symptoms are similiar to whooping cough.   In my clinic I have used Drosera for coughs when there is tickling and irritation in the larynx. There may be constriction in the larynx especially worse on talking. The cough may be so severe and paroxysmal that it causes retching and vomiting. …

The Season of Winter: Homeopathic Support For Healthy Functioning

 I thought it time to weigh in how homeopathy can support your healthy functioning.      I’m going to take the opportunity to discuss one of the main principles of homeopathy.   Law of Similars   How do we choose a remedy to support one’s health? We look for the similar symptom picture amongst the remedies we have available. The remedy most like the presenting symptoms, will support the body in healthy functioning.   The Law of Similars in action.   Homeopathy may be used alongside other supplements.   With that in mind let’s explore the remedies that you should …

What The Journey to Health Really Looks Like – Uncovering the Root Cause

Sadly, in these modern medical times, most people do not understand how health works. t’s not because they don’t want to, it’s that the health model they’ve been given is incorrect. Lots of unlearning goes on in our clinics! We don’t give remedies just to make symptoms go away. We also look at what the body is telling us in the form of symptoms. We look at where it originated, where the roots of the problem began. Then we help the body help itself. Since the body can regrow it’s own liver, heal wounds and repair bones, it is fully …

5 Reasons Your Child Suddenly Changes When School Returns

School holidays are great. Children relax. Energy is restored and the best thing is the amount of carefree time to enjoy be a child. I often have clients tell me that their child had a wonderful summer and seemed very relaxed. Then, when it’s time for them to go back to school, the child’s behavior seems to turn upside down.