Discover How To Create A New State Of Health and Harmony, Using Homeopathy To Support Your Body’s Natural Healing Power
Become Your Radiant Self In Mind, Body, and Spirit
The Doctors Were Helpless So My Parents Turned To Homeopathy And Were Amazed At My Response
"Homeopathy gave me health, vitality and my life back"Lee-Anne McCall RCHom (NZ) | Founder of The Healing Haven
As the founder of The Healing Haven here is my own health journey:
Please keep in mind that your journey will be at the speed that suits you. My journey and personal results with homeopathy may differ to yours. We are all unique individuals and improving health is a complex dance amongst the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of ourselves.
I was truly the definition of a sickly child. By the time I was 16, I had been on antibiotics every 2 or 3 weeks since I was a few months old. I had suffered from recurrent tonsillitis which I still had the pain of even after my tonsils were removed. Alongside the tonsillitis was a very weak chest having repeated attacks of bronchitis.
By the time I was 11, the hay fever, migraines, and allergic reactions were in full force. I would come out with welts all over my body and my entire face, including the eyes and lips, would swell up. What was I allergic to? Feathers, dust, chicken, carrots, pollen, grasses….just about everything. Even when my parents had my environment as clean and clear as possible of allergens, I would still get attacks that would last 3 days at a time for no apparent reason. Antihistamines made me feel lethargic and awful. And on top of this, I became a grumpy, depressed teenager.
My parents, to their credit, refused to give up and took me to a person who practiced a form of homeopathy. My health began to improve steadily. It wasn’t an easy road and it was slow because this particular homeopath used mainly low strength remedies called organ supports.
Within the first month, I had more energy and, it appeared to me, fewer allergic reactions. It was amazing to me. In 6 months, my migraines were gone and my chest was much stronger while I was not getting tonsillitis like symptoms anymore. My allergic episodes became further apart and less intense. In fact, for the last 18 years, I have not had any allergies at all. I became happier and the quality of my life improved.
It wasn’t until I became a homeopath myself and through treating myself, I understood the benefit of using the higher potency remedies that I began to see huge improvements in my mental and emotional state. Higher potency remedies may help change the patterning of the thoughts and emotions. This allowed me to begin to change my automatic reactions to stressful events and people to more positive ones.
My personal experience of homeopathic treatment using various potencies and remedies at the same time, if necessary, to create the best simillimum influences my own practice of homeopathy. I am so grateful to my parents and homeopathy for my great health today. My journey to health through homeopathy also taught me how the different potencies can be used to great effect singularly or together to form a more cohesive and gentle treatment for my clients. This gives my practice of homeopathy a unique flavour and effectiveness. At the Healing Haven, our practitioners strive to deliver the most efficient and gentle form of homeopathic care possible to support you on your journey towards true health.

Find Out How
Lee-Anne McCall RCHom(NZ) - uses homeopathy to keep her daughter healthy and happy...even though she is vaccine free.
Take me there now!Empower Yourself With The Global Phenomenon That is Homeopathy
Homeopathy is recognized in many countries as a system of medicine. We are proud to make this form of complementary health care easily accessible.
Our mission is to educate and empower individuals to use homeopathy at home. Supporting families and promoting happiness and health.
Cut through all the generalized health advice you see in the media?
For 250 years Homeopathy has been used to enhance the body’s healing abilities. Given the right prompt, your body is waiting to bring itself into the optimal balance for you.
Have you had the feeling that you are only managing your health symptoms instead of improving them? Are you managing them through strong medications or diet?
Homeopathy is an individualized form of healthcare. We look for the unique symptoms in your case so we can find the best-suited remedy for your body. We want to support your body's natural homeostasis mechanism. We want to find what might be the obstacle to that happening in your case.
We treat you like the special being that you are as we work with you to get your body, mind and emotions back on track.
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Homeopathy Naturally Stimulates You Towards True Health…
A Healthy Immune System
Responsive and powerful
Refreshing Sleep
Plenty of energy for your day
Hormonal Balance
Fertility and Healthy Menstruation and Menopause
Balanced Emotions
Mindful recognition of your emotions with a sense of calm
Self Love
Ability to Love and Be Loved
Gratitude and Appreciation
Less Guilt, Shame, Sadness, Anxiety, Anger, Jealousy and Hatred
A Centred Mind
Sharp memory, concentration and focus
Receives Insight and Inspiration
In Control of Thoughts
Can turn them off when going to sleep

Discover How to Claim Your Health
You try hard to be healthy. You provide the best nutrition and care for yourself and your family. In spite of your best efforts, illness is a regular guest in your household. It can be so demoralizing.
Feelings of anxiety increase with recurrent bouts of cold and flu. You feel helpless watching your children's health decline. Moving from short-term illnesses to eczema, food allergies, and finally asthma. Winter is the worst…until summer comes and then it’s the suffering of hayfever.
You’ve made improvements to the diet. You’ve added all the right supplements. You’ve exhausted what the doctor can do for you… to little effect. In fact, the improvement has been small, if any.
You know that you and your children should be healthy, robust, joyful, and energetic. They should be able to concentrate and thrive at school. You refuse to accept less.
You can’t go on much longer with the lack of sleep, the worry and the discomfort that you see and feel.
Everyone seems to have an opinion but you’re not sure who’s advice would be best for you to follow. It’s not your fault, you are not alone. You don’t know what you don’t know.
This is not true health. Life can be different.

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During Your Successful Homeopathic Treatment You May Experience…
Insights into Oneself and a deeper understanding why you are reacting the way that you do under stress
Your worries and anxieties beginning to drop away. You will feel a deeper connection with your dreams and desires.

Improved Sleep Patterns that will lead you to feel more refreshed. When your body gets the sleep that you need you will automatically feel an increase in energy and motivation for your day ahead.
The ability to express your authentic self in the world without fear. That could be in the truth you are speaking to another or what you choose as your occupation

Relaxation of the physical body as the tension drops away. Your nervous system will also experience relaxation and you will be not so reactive to external stimuli such as noise or other annoyances.
Your Spirits will be lifted allowing you to feel lighter and more joyful. You will find yourself experiencing more joy, love and compassion in your daily interactions with others
Ability to Act rather than Re-Act from fear, anger or fright.

Old wounded parts of ourselves come to the surface and dissolve easily without having to relive the trauma. Past hurts, old griefs, humiliation, resentment and betrayal no longer have a hold on you.
The System of Homeopathy When Applied Wisely May Help With All The Complexities Of The Human Condition.
Whether you are seeking help with acute or chronic illness, homeopathy holistically supports your body’s natural healing mechanism
Discover How Homeopathy Can Help You...