Passports – check. Tickets – check. Clean undies – check. But have you got your travel prophylaxis kit yet?
H urray! You’re off on a big adventure – new cultures, new food, new experiences – what could be more exciting! Hopefully you’ve taken precautions such as travel insurance, mosquito repellant and your lonely planet guide to help you get around. But what about your health?If for whatever reason you’ve decided not to get your travel vaccines, and think you’re going to wing it out there, then make sure you read up on homeoprophylaxis before you leave. Homeoprophylaxis has been used for hundreds of years to strengthen the body’s immune system when certain diseases are presenting. Dr Isaac Golden, a renownd Australian Homeopath and author, has been using this method for the last 30 years. The method involves taking certain remedies in the instance where there is a possibility of catching that disease. You can read more about Isaac Golden’s homeoprophylaxis here, or about how the Cuban Government has been using it since 2007 against Leptospirosis here.
Below are five great reasons why you should get your hands on an HP Travel kit today, before you go embarking on new lands and foreign seas.
1. You don’t want to spoil your trip
A sure-fire, big fat stop to any fun would be coming down with a local disease or illness on your trip, and this is even more important if you’re only going for a short time. Who wants to spend most of their trip talking to ralph on the big white telephone, or worse – in an overseas hospital. Overseas trips are expensive, you’ve worked hard to get there, and the idea is to take in the sights, enjoy the local custom and/or lie around on the beach soaking up sun – certainly not to be spent confined to a bed.
2. Not all overseas healthcare is created equally
If you did happen to get sick while overseas, getting well enough to make the journey home could be quite a tricky business. The quality of care you receive will be determined by whereabouts you’re laid up, and if whereabouts you’re laid up is a third world country you are very likely to have problems. Plus, if you’re in a non-english speaking country, this is going to present a whole new set of issues unless you’re fluent in your local language.
3. Its cheap!
The kits contain 12 different remedies, each one relating to a different disease. You can taylor-make your kit from nosode remedies and other remedies used for Malaria, Cholera, Dysentery, Rabies, Smallpox, Tuberculosis, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, Hep A, B and C, Meningitis, Japanese B Encephalitis and Dengue Fever.
You can administer the remedies yourself which saves on consultation costs, and the whole kit together likely costs less than your travel insurance or even your duty free!
4. Its easy to use
The remedies are made in pillule form, and one to two pillules equals a dose. This is quite straightforward, and in addition the kit comes with easy-to-use guidance and explanations on how to get the best from it.
5. It doesn’t involve needles
That’s right – arguably the best point of them all! Pillules are little round sugar balls with remedy on them, making them not only easy to take but nice to take too. If you have a problem with sugar, then you can take drops. Both are oral and can be taken anywhere, anytime. Best of all they don’t require a big fat jab in the arm, and unless you accidentally bite your tongue, its going to be a painless exercise.
For more information or to purchase a kit, contact us at the Healing Haven, where we would be happy to answer any questions.
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Hello, my family which is two adults and two children are traveling to Indonesia for a month at the end of June. I am interested in purchasing a Hp travel kit for the diseases we are at risk of getting. My children aged 11 and 14 haven’t had any vaccines but we are weighing up getting the hep a and typhoid injections. I know that there are remedies to take after having the vaccine injections so I would also be interested in that. I look forward to hearing from you, Angela.
Hi Angela
Lovely to hear from you. I’ve sent a video that I recorded for you with more info to your email address.
Look forward to hearing from you